My Dog

Hi! Today I am going to tell you a little bit about how I got my fur producer. Er! I mean my dog and I’ll tell a few stories about him.

                                          (Picture taken by me – Kashish)

My dog is a black labrador. He is almost 4 years old. His birthday is in November. My family got him while we were living in California. When we got him, we learned that over his small life, he had a couple names. When he was born, the person that helped out with the dogs named him Carlos. Then, a family adopted him and named him Carson. But…. they sadly returned him because… his ears were too big. I’m sorry. I find dogs with big ears cuter than dogs with small ears. Nevermind. It’s their loss. They’re going to get a stink eye from him one day. Dissapointment from cute pups is heartbreaking.

After we adopted him, we named him Drogon. My mom loved the name Drogon because she LOVES the episodes of  The Game of Thrones. The biggest, oldest, strongest, and smartest dragon is Drogon. Although…. I’m not so sure that my dog is that smart (I’ve seen him try to lick peanut butter on the wrong side of the window).

When I first got Drogon, I was EXTREMELY scared of dogs. I was afraid that they were going to bite me. He did do that…… but he was teething. After about 1 month, I got used to being around him and he calmed down after being trained.

As a kid, me and my brother had a sandbox sort of playground. There was a slide on it. Since I was super small, I remember my brother trying to teach me to climb up the slide. The slide was metal and flat. I could never climb up it until…….. my dog chased me and I ran up it. So I guess dogs teach you how to run up slides.

On the first day that we got him, we had to introduce him to our backyard so that he could do his business. He fell into our pool and was yelping for help. My brother (the hero) jumped in and saved him. Ever since, he has never gone into a simgle pool and thinks that whoever comes out of the pool is a water monster. But he is completely fine with jumping and splashing around in the dirty water in creeks and rivers.

I love my dog so much and I’m excited to live my life and childhood with him. He is the best companion I could ever find with his cheerful spirit and puppy eyes. Thank you so much for coming into my life and being my best friend.

2 thoughts on “My Dog”

  1. I love how detailed your dog blog was! While I was reading I was laughing so much! You blog is so fun and humorous! You truly made and amazing blog that everyone will enjoy!

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