My Dog’s Birthday

Hi everybody! Today I’m going to tell you a small story that happened over my dog’s birthday! I’m not going to talk about it too much though.

(Taken by me – Kashish)

He turned 4 years old on November 12. Since it was also Diwali, we gave him an Indian sweet called kesari peda. It is an orange sweet that tastes so good. Since my mom really wanted photos, my older brother held our dog while I held the sweet. My mom put a candle in the middle and lit it on fire. Drogon is named after the dragon from The Game of Thrones. My mom really liked the name so now we think of him and a strong dragon. He is a big dog with a big appetite. When my brother let go of him, Drogon the dragon WENT for it! He went straight to the treat and ate the fire before we could blow it out. He was fine after but I don’t think he liked the taste of fire.

We also went on a big walk with him and he had fun exploring the woods. He was so curious and it took so much time for us to try and get him to stop sniffing everything.

Thanks! Hope you liked reading this!


Hi everyone! Today I’m going to write a little bit about Halloween and you might even learn something new and cool!

First off, Halloween is the one day a year that dead spirits can come back to visit Earth. So be careful because there could be a ghost in your bedroom right now! Halloween was meant to celebrate the Celtic New Year. Celts made bonfires and wore costumes to ward of ghosts and evil spirits. They made the Celtic New Year a day to celebrate and welcome their ancestors’ spirits. It then became a day where we celebrate all spirits visitiing Earth.

A nice tradition that we have for Halloween is Trick-or-Treating! My personal favorite candy is the watermelon jollyrancher. What’s yours? Only a few days ago did I find out that there was a mango jollyrancher! Did you know that? Another fun tradition is dressing up! Whatever costume that you have on for 2023 Halloween is probably really cool.

While I did not dress up this year, so many of my friends dressed up in such cool costumes from videogame, movies, and even books! The awesome costumes came with funny accesories and duos! It was pretty fun to help hand out candy because I got a lot of leftover candy! Not many people trick-or-treated in out neighborhood because it was REALLY

(Taken by my dad – Piyush)

That’s it for today and I hope you had a SPOOKY Halloween!




Hi everybody! Today I’m going to write about Diwali.

Diwali is an Indian holiday that is celebrated with many traditions. Some traditions that I celebrated are rangoli, diyas, and more!

At home, I did rangoli with my dad. We put designs all over our front porch. We had 2 different kind of designs with stencils in white color. Rangoli welcomes the goddess of wealth or Godess Lakshmi as well as good luck and more into your home.  We also lit diyas and they were super pretty in the dark. Diyas are like little candles that you light to show the goodness in the world. Diwali show the light in the world and how goodness always win over evil. Here are some pictures.

(Taken by my brother – Kanishk)

Another thing that my brother and I did was light a miniature firecracker sort of thing. We lit it with a sparkler which crackles of fire sparks. It was fun to do with the neon sparklers. Once we lit the mini firecracker, it was SUPER big and colorful. It was so much fun to experience.


(Taken by my dad – Piyush)

Over everything we did and everything we ate, it was so much fun to celebrate this year and I can’t wait to celebrate next year. Thanks so much for reading!